Bulletin Board

Hear ye! Hear ye!

Yes, this is where you find out what is going on in the community. We will announce discussions, book studies, classes, and whatever else happens to be going on.

Right now we are excitedly publishing blogs and short pieces for the reading room. More will be coming soon! Keep checking in.


Hello Friends, After having someone think (from the last post) that a baby was coming into my life within a week or so, I am going to make the labelling process more obvious.  This system already exists on the site, but those of you who read this from your e-mail...

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A Little Shift

I hate these raging hormones.  When my hormones rage, my control goes out the window.  I think I am in big trouble.  This baby is due in a week. Ever since I got pregnant, every time I have changed I have become this overweight welder guy!  That is not supposed to...

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Road Trip Lessons

I just got back from a trip to my brother’s.  Saw my niece and her husband and her new baby, my nephew, and my brother and sister-in-law.  It was a great visit!  From my home to my brother’s home is about 850 miles. That is a long drive. At the end of the drive on day...

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Learnings to date

As I have passed the year and half mark of Bob’s death, what have I learned?  It has been a rough road but it has had some fruits — some are sweet, some are bittersweet, some never ripened, and some are rotten!  Here are some of the learnings. I have discovered Qigong...

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Whose Circle Is It?

Whose Circle Is It?  As I have been working to create a new life since Bob died, this question and some of its corollaries have been on my mind.  After a partner dies it is so easy to feel not whole.  The other day I read a better image.  The gist of the article was...

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The Fall Equinox

The idea of following the seasons in how we eat and how we live seems to be gaining a little traction in my circles.  Since today is the Fall Equinox, thinking about what it would mean to live with the Seasons seems appropriate. I am new to looking at Seasonal...

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A Face Wreathed with Smiles and a Radiant Countenance

Feel free to go get a cup of tea or coffee and let's have a chat.  Maybe a ginger scone, too.  Two things I love — “a face wreathed with smiles” and “a radiant countenance.”  I recognize these when I see them and I am usually attracted to the person owning that face. ...

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Keeping the Gifts Moving

The first thing I read this morning was “Paying it Forward: Why Our Gifts Always Keep Moving" by Wayne Muller (http://www.dailygood.org/story/1136/paying-it-forward-why-our-gifts-always-keep-moving-wayne-muller/). And last night I decided that the first task of today...

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Beating on Walls

“Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door. ” ― Coco Chanel   I don’t know much about Coco Chanel except that her perfume #5 is luscious and she created really classy clothes.  Evidently, she was also a wise woman. How much of my life...

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