
Hello Friends,

After having someone think (from the last post) that a baby was coming into my life within a week or so, I am going to make the labelling process more obvious.  This system already exists on the site, but those of you who read this from your e-mail cannot see that.

Currently posts are under one of the following tabs:

Library, Blogs, Evolving Wisdom (These are my thoughts related to whatever shiny object caught my attention.)

Library, Blogs, Loss: Hole to Whole  (These blogs reflect my grief journey since Bob died in March 2014.)

Library, Blogs, Growth (This is a new blog that will be appearing over the next month or so.  My grief journey is creating some growth that seems reasonable to share and that will be in this blog.)

Library, Reading Room  (These are short bits of fiction or flights of fancy from my journey as a writer.  This is where the story about the baby was posted!)

Library, Bulletin Board  (This where any announcements are posted.)

Cottage, Kitchen Table (Two different things are included here.  Most commonly the posts are offered to start a discussion about how to take some spiritual spiritual and apply it in our lives.  And, since it is in the kitchen, once in a while there will be a recipe.)

I think that is it.  Now when I post a blog, the first line will be the name of the area.  I hope that helps avoid confusion.  And as new areas of the site open up, they will be announced on the Bulletin Board.

Thanks for following Serene Women.  Where the site with your friends!  The more of us the better the conversations!

1 Comment

  1. Sue



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