dedicated to community through coffee, cake and conversation

About Me



Amazing Woman

I’m Jan and I will go first – pushy thing, aren’t I? My name is Jan Perry. I am … always stumble over how to answer that!

OK, I am in my 70s and sometimes my body feels that way, but my mind is always shocked with that bit of information; I think the thirties sound good. Some of the roles I fill are a retired physical therapy educator; a new Qigong practice leader: an ex-homeopathy student; a recent widow; a mother; a grandmother; a spiritual being who is trying to figure out what that means; a colonial living history reenactor; a blogger; and an aspiring writer. My interests range from the superficial to the deep – how are we supposed to treat each other, how can we best nourish our bodies, how can be best nourish our souls, what shall I knit, will I start my weaving, how can we raise the best kids possible, how do you define “the best kids possible,” how do I become a millionaire, what is my role in saving the world, what shall I do for fun today, who will I do that with? Interesting that my interests are mostly questions.

I love to share ideas and insights and skills to see what new and better ideas, insights, and skills we can develop together. I had the great bounty of teaching in a setting that valued and implemented team teaching – where two or three teachers planned and implemented a course together and were almost always in the classroom together. Those courses and teaching experiences were so much richer than any one of us could have engineered alone. That is what I want to do here. Put some ideas out, have people contribute their ideas, and see what wonderful things happen.