The Second Christmas

The Second Christmas

I  have been really sad today, Christmas Eve Day.  This is the second Christmas without Bob.  I wonder if I was still numb last Christmas and that this is the first “feeling” Christmas?  I have done so many things to grieve, grow, and graduate from this process.  I...
What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

I have been thinking a lot about the blogs here in Serene Women.  At the moment there are two; Loss: Hole to Whole and Evolving Serenity.  I have wondered what to do with them.  I was considering suspending them for a while; a novel, or at least a long short story,...

Being Thankful, Being Community

Thanks to Seth Godin (whose blog I follow) I don’t have to write much today.  He offered a piece a few days ago and included a Thanksgiving Reader. There are two things on the site a button to...

Collecting My Teams

Today I visited with a dear friend who I do not visit nearly often enough.  The visit was filled with the ordinary — knitting, health, children, dreams, frustrations.  Whenever we visit I remember that we need to do it more often. Then I came home to have a repairman...

Joe and His Homework

The gentle waves rolled in and brought a jubilant ten-year-old with them.  Joe’s smile was bigger than his face. He ran out to the next wave and jumped high just as it started to break.  Joe loved the beach!  He ran over to his parents and flopped on the blanket. ...