Keeping the Gifts Moving

The first thing I read this morning was “Paying it Forward: Why Our Gifts Always Keep Moving” by Wayne Muller ( And last night I decided that the first task of...

People and Stained Glass Windows

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” Elisabeth Kubler-Ross What a wonderful description of a serene woman (or man). Both...

Rings, Again

Since Bob died rings have been a constant in my life. What to do with them, which to wear, what do they mean – lots of questions. Some friends, I suspect, think I am obsessed with the symbolism of the rings. For me they are not jewelry – they are symbols...

How do you get Guidance?

Most of my life has just happened to me – or so that is how I have always thought about it. Seeing how blessed I have been in so many areas of life, I suspect random happenings are not the cause of my good fortune. I must have been following Guidance. I...

Another Transition

Transitions are always interesting. I’ve written before about the transition from Married to Widow; this one is different. That one was not a choice. This one is a choice. I get to think about it, play with the idea, see how it fits, decide if I like it. The other is...