The Second Christmas

The Second Christmas

I  have been really sad today, Christmas Eve Day.  This is the second Christmas without Bob.  I wonder if I was still numb last Christmas and that this is the first “feeling” Christmas?  I have done so many things to grieve, grow, and graduate from this process.  I...

Learnings to date

As I have passed the year and half mark of Bob’s death, what have I learned?  It has been a rough road but it has had some fruits — some are sweet, some are bittersweet, some never ripened, and some are rotten!  Here are some of the learnings. I have discovered Qigong...

Whose Circle Is It?

Whose Circle Is It?  As I have been working to create a new life since Bob died, this question and some of its corollaries have been on my mind.  After a partner dies it is so easy to feel not whole.  The other day I read a better image.  The gist of the article was...


We can attach so much meaning to a word. I was reading something in which someone called “Widow” a label.  By extension, then, so is “Single.”  That got me to thinking about the difference between the words and whether there was a difference between “widow” and...

Grief is Weird

This grief stuff is weird.  I’ve just passed the 17 month point since Bob died and usually life is easier.  I have lots of days that have lots of joy in them; and lots that have lots of tears.  And it is so inconsistent. I am enjoying writing and teaching Qigong...

Rings, Again

Since Bob died rings have been a constant in my life. What to do with them, which to wear, what do they mean – lots of questions. Some friends, I suspect, think I am obsessed with the symbolism of the rings. For me they are not jewelry – they are symbols...