Being Thankful, Being Community

Thanks to Seth Godin (whose blog I follow) I don’t have to write much today.  He offered a piece a few days ago and included a Thanksgiving Reader. There are two things on the site a button to...

Collecting My Teams

Today I visited with a dear friend who I do not visit nearly often enough.  The visit was filled with the ordinary — knitting, health, children, dreams, frustrations.  Whenever we visit I remember that we need to do it more often. Then I came home to have a repairman...

Clutter, Productivity, and Contentment

I love my sitting room!  It has everything I want and need in it.  Bob feels close when I am in it.  He built the house, some of the furniture, and is reflected in the artwork.  It is a comfortable and loving place for me. This wonderful room also doubles as my work...

Road Trip Lessons

I just got back from a trip to my brother’s.  Saw my niece and her husband and her new baby, my nephew, and my brother and sister-in-law.  It was a great visit!  From my home to my brother’s home is about 850 miles. That is a long drive. At the end of the drive on day...

The Fall Equinox

The idea of following the seasons in how we eat and how we live seems to be gaining a little traction in my circles.  Since today is the Fall Equinox, thinking about what it would mean to live with the Seasons seems appropriate. I am new to looking at Seasonal...