Another Transition

Transitions are always interesting. I’ve written before about the transition from Married to Widow; this one is different. That one was not a choice. This one is a choice. I get to think about it, play with the idea, see how it fits, decide if I like it. The other is like Dorothy’s house falling on you; it happened, so deal with it. I prefer the choice.

One of my current transitions is from a person who writes into a writer. That is intimidating to post on this blog. It is obvious that I have been writing for a while now, but writing is different than being a writer. I have written all of my professional life – memos, proposals, articles, chapters. None of them required me to put myself out there for every one to see in the way that writing a blog about loss or sharing that I am curious as to why the image of Dorothy’s house came to mind falling on me. It fell on the Wicked Witch of the West. Am I the Wicked Wi…..? That is probably a different post.

On to being a writer. Being a writer means that I need to make a commitment to myself to write almost every day. That means that I need to figure out what to write. As I sit here now two areas of writing seem to be on my plate. First are all of the topics related to Serene Women. That is a broad menu: Serenity and everything that contributes to it (spirituality, love, self-awareness, acceptance, growth, family, friends, fun, the list could go on and on) and women and everything pertinent to them (I think that might be everything in the world). And all of that comes out of me and my life and my experience. It can be a bit intimidating, and a great way to grow.

The other is writing fiction. The idea of writing a novel or short stories is appealing. I have always loved to tell stories to kids. Now telling them for adults seems a reasonable progression. Creating characters and things for the characters to do and experience is a whole new effort for me. So far it has been fun. I have found myself writing that the character did this or that and then think, “That is a great idea! Maybe I should do that.”

Then I start to fantasize. Writers look different, they wear odd hats or bohemian clothing or wild scarves. Will I do that? Do I need a new wardrobe? Writers have weird hours. Should I stay up all night and sleep all day? Writers often live in exotic places. Should I move to Bali? Will I become famous and need to wear dark glasses to keep from being recognized? Then I look at the number of people reading my posts and see eight or nine readers and realize I don’t need to worry about the dark glasses yet.

The transition is in process. The blogs are appearing regularly. The novel is started. I belong to a writers’ group. I am acting like a writer – at least sometimes. That is the first step – fake it ’til you make it!


  1. Pat Holley

    I think it matters not, to whom the house fell on, it matters that the house fell..and then, you can choose tho be the wicked witch if you like…

    You are lucky to be a writer, as all you need is pen and paper…go anywhere, and these materials are readily available…you are free to travel!
    For me, on the farm here, it is hard to get anywhere, even to the grocery store…that’s when the goats know they can jump fences, and feast in the woods..and the dog barks and cries…fences fall..trees topple..and weeds grow..
    I’ve been told that in the good old days, the rich would take their dairy goats with them when they travel from one resort to another, so they would have a source of fresh milk every day.. So,maybe, I could check out the pet hotels?

    As for getting things done, and accomplishing tasks, routine works for me..
    I do my best work from 3 am to 6 am, uninterrupted …at 6 am, the dog needs to be let out, and then right back in, and let out again…the goats demand to be let out of their pens…and fed, and loved…the garden calls wanting water, or weeding or picking…the phone starts…people come…and the demands of the day begin…
    And , you are fee to write any time!

    As for the dress code…I am stuck with jeans and sturdy tee shirts that require lots of hot water to clean…..I once bought a sparkly tee shirt with beads and bangles,it was beautiful! And the chickens promptly attacked me…and the goats wanted a taste, too..they love shiny anything, and the dog drooled all over it……and, only once, I wore dainty sandals , oh so feminine …and the goats stomped all over my feet.. Bruised for days…
    You are free to choose the look you prefer… Love your new outfits, by the way…

    So we make those choices, and have to give up other choices… And maybe you are a dabbler in all of it…experimenting and playing with life.. You will succeed at what ever you choose, because that is your core. That is who you are..and you have your spirit guides to depend on when questions arise…and your friends for your anchor…and family for support…
    You are free, with the world at your feet…
    Go for it…practice every day, till it all comes together, your writing, your hobbies, your passions…and it does…somehow…

  2. Jan

    What a wonderful comment to start a discussion! Another difference between writing and the farm is that if you choose to not farm or the goats, chickens, dog, and garden remind you loudly and they demand your attention. I find it pretty easy to not write; no computer starts nipping at my fingers if I haven’t written. So discipline fits in here, too. You chose your farm from the heart and it is your passion. And you thrive when the goats or chickens attack your sparkly t-shirt! Any number of things get between me and writing – a nap, cooking, playing with my grandson, or a million other things. I am needing to learn discipline that is self chosen – what you learned long ago. I have oodles of discipline when I have an external deadline and creating my own deadlines doesn’t yet have nearly that power.

    Thanks for starting a discussion, Pat. You have given me a few new things to think about and maybe even – gasp – grow into!


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