The Second Christmas

The Second Christmas

I  have been really sad today, Christmas Eve Day.  This is the second Christmas without Bob.  I wonder if I was still numb last Christmas and that this is the first “feeling” Christmas?  I have done so many things to grieve, grow, and graduate from this process.  I...

The Fall Equinox

The idea of following the seasons in how we eat and how we live seems to be gaining a little traction in my circles.  Since today is the Fall Equinox, thinking about what it would mean to live with the Seasons seems appropriate. I am new to looking at Seasonal...


We can attach so much meaning to a word. I was reading something in which someone called “Widow” a label.  By extension, then, so is “Single.”  That got me to thinking about the difference between the words and whether there was a difference between “widow” and...

Another Transition

Transitions are always interesting. I’ve written before about the transition from Married to Widow; this one is different. That one was not a choice. This one is a choice. I get to think about it, play with the idea, see how it fits, decide if I like it. The other is...

Completion of a Lesson?

I doubt if the big lessons in life are ever completed, but there is a point where they can stop – like an essay test when you know you could write more, but you decide that you have done enough to answer the question. I am wondering if that is where I am on this...