The Second Christmas

The Second Christmas

I  have been really sad today, Christmas Eve Day.  This is the second Christmas without Bob.  I wonder if I was still numb last Christmas and that this is the first “feeling” Christmas?  I have done so many things to grieve, grow, and graduate from this process.  I...
What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

I have been thinking a lot about the blogs here in Serene Women.  At the moment there are two; Loss: Hole to Whole and Evolving Serenity.  I have wondered what to do with them.  I was considering suspending them for a while; a novel, or at least a long short story,...

Collecting My Teams

Today I visited with a dear friend who I do not visit nearly often enough.  The visit was filled with the ordinary — knitting, health, children, dreams, frustrations.  Whenever we visit I remember that we need to do it more often. Then I came home to have a repairman...

The Fall Equinox

The idea of following the seasons in how we eat and how we live seems to be gaining a little traction in my circles.  Since today is the Fall Equinox, thinking about what it would mean to live with the Seasons seems appropriate. I am new to looking at Seasonal...