
We can attach so much meaning to a word. I was reading something in which someone called “Widow” a label.  By extension, then, so is “Single.”  That got me to thinking about the difference between the words and whether there was a difference between “widow” and...

Rings, Again

Since Bob died rings have been a constant in my life. What to do with them, which to wear, what do they mean – lots of questions. Some friends, I suspect, think I am obsessed with the symbolism of the rings. For me they are not jewelry – they are symbols...

Father’s Day #2

Father’s Day fifteen months after Bob died. This has been an odd day. My daughter is just (late afternoon) getting home from a conference that she and her family attended. My son is at his home with his family. I wished the Dads in both families a happy Father’s Day...

Jan, I would like you to meet Meg

In this grieving process a few smiles have surfaced.  I think Meg is responsible. I was born Margaret Jan Walter.  I have always been called Jan.  When I was thinking up a more 1750’s name for my reenacting personae, I chose Meg (from Margaret).  I liked the idea of...