Collecting My Teams

Today I visited with a dear friend who I do not visit nearly often enough.  The visit was filled with the ordinary — knitting, health, children, dreams, frustrations.  Whenever we visit I remember that we need to do it more often. Then I came home to have a repairman...

If work were considered worship …

This is a Kitchen Table Discussion — that means we need to discuss back and forth.  I look forward to your comments. There is a wonderful quote about work done in a spirit of service being worship.  I love to fantasize about what things like that might mean if...

The Fall Equinox

The idea of following the seasons in how we eat and how we live seems to be gaining a little traction in my circles.  Since today is the Fall Equinox, thinking about what it would mean to live with the Seasons seems appropriate. I am new to looking at Seasonal...

The Triple Spiral

I saw this image on Heather Plett’s site ( and it stopped me in my tracks – well more accurately it stopped my mouse from scrolling. I wanted this stone! I have tried to think about why I liked it and came up with the...