The Triple Spiral

I saw this image on Heather Plett’s site ( and it stopped me in my tracks – well more accurately it stopped my mouse from scrolling. I wanted this stone! I have tried to think about why I liked it and came up with the following list:

  • The image is simple and clean
  • It flows and implies motion
  • It is balanced
  • It invites analogy (just to name a few – Maiden, Mother, Crone; Past, Present, Future; Sun, Moon, Universe; multiple aspects of the self)
  • It invites introspection
  • It is ancient

When I look at it I wonder where I am in the process that it communicates. I am a Crone, and a recently widowed one. Where is that in the image? Then I wonder what responsibilities that designation entails. The fact that the image is on a stone gives it a sense of stability and enduring. I also get a sense that, if I allowed myself, the image would help me fly.

That is just me!

Some questions to start our conversation.

  • What do you see when you look at this rock and what does it mean to you?
  • Why do you like it, dislike it, or are untouched by it?
  • What would you like to do with this rock or this image?


  1. Cheryl McCarley

    I too like it very much. Three being my favorite number and the symbol represents three of many things but also remains whole by itself. It stirs a calm place In my heart in a very gentle way. I would love to hold it for many moments and feel its energy. Once that is done I would mosaic it on to the breast of one of my peices to be enjoyed forever.

  2. Jan

    I agree, Cheryl. I can’t tell you how much I want to hold that stone! It just seems like it would tell me things that I need to know. It really does have a calm sense to it. And that is sort of odd because if I saw a wave looking like that coming toward me, I would be moving in the other direction fast!

    • Cheryl McCarley

      Sounds like the new challenge for me is to find these. Gosh… I bet that involves the computer 🙂

  3. Carol

    I first saw this symbol on my visit to Ireland in 1996 at New Grange. This triple spiral is a sacred sign of the women in this centuries old spiritual community where rituals aligned with the position of the sun at the solstice were carried out. Check it out, Jan. Any Irish in you?


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