If work were considered worship …

This is a Kitchen Table Discussion — that means we need to discuss back and forth.  I look forward to your comments. There is a wonderful quote about work done in a spirit of service being worship.  I love to fantasize about what things like that might mean if...

Clutter, Productivity, and Contentment

I love my sitting room!  It has everything I want and need in it.  Bob feels close when I am in it.  He built the house, some of the furniture, and is reflected in the artwork.  It is a comfortable and loving place for me. This wonderful room also doubles as my work...

Road Trip Lessons

I just got back from a trip to my brother’s.  Saw my niece and her husband and her new baby, my nephew, and my brother and sister-in-law.  It was a great visit!  From my home to my brother’s home is about 850 miles. That is a long drive. At the end of the drive on day...