The New Logo

You may have noticed that we have a new logo. We think it is gorgeous – simple, elegant, a little playful – just what we want this site to be.

After we decided we wanted a swan for a logo we went to a book about animal spirits to see what swan represents. We were impressed with how close the spirit of the swan matched the spirit of the website.   Then we were a bit amazed at how our intuitive interest in a swan was so accurate. Something akin to Guidance appears to have been at work.

Steven Farmer’s book, Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals, starts its description of the swan with this: “No matter what is happening in your life, do whatever it takes to keep your faith strong.” What could be a better match for the goals of this website! One of our desires that initiated the development of this site was to support people in their spiritual journey because that journey is central to each of our lives, whether we are aware of it or not. Reading Farmer’s sentence confirmed the swan as our logo.

Farmer goes on to suggest that it is important to accept where we are and surrender to the Sacred (however you define that) and trust that the best is out there for us. Double confirmation!

He talks about finding clarity and purpose in the middle of all of this confusing world we live in. And our tagline is “Living harmony in a chaotic world! “ Triple confirmation.

The fourth paragraph of Farmer’s description tells us that life is a gift, precious and sacred and that we need to express our gratitude in all we do. Quadruple confirmation!

And finally he says that the swan encourages us to go with the flow.

The connections between the characteristics that Farmer attributes to the swan in 85 words and the goals of our site are stunning.

The idea that we can get “messages” from things in this world is somewhat new to me. For quite a few years I have been attracted to the Medicine Spirit Cards (by Jamie Sams). I attributed that attraction to the beauty of the cards and the words that she uses. In the past couple of years I have found myself using these cards (and some others) to gain insights into my behavior or situations I find myself it. The relevance of the cards has often shocked me. For me it is not a matter of divination (though some people use the cards that way) but more of having a way of seeing some different views or options that I may not have thought of. Just like the relevance of the swan!

I hope you enjoy our little swan. I haven’t felt a need to name her yet. Does she need a name? What do you think? Enjoy our swan and if you are so inclined look at Jamie Sams’ or Steven Farmer’s work and see if it speaks to you.

Enjoy the site and we hope it helps you live harmony in a chaotic world.


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