Kitchen Table Discussions

I love a good discussion. It starts my engine revving, leads to new thoughts, stretches my comfort zone, and almost always teaches me something. And often leads to new friends! I want that with all of you, my dear readers.

Every so often I will post something to start a discussion; maybe a quote or an idea or something I heard or saw. I’ll say a few words about why it is interesting to me. And I will post some questions that might help us delve a little deeper into the topic.

Discussions only work if more than one person is talking! And the more the merrier. So, I will post one topic with a few questions today in the Kitchen Table tab under “Cottage.” That is where our conversations will occur. So grab a cup of tea or coffee and join in. Check back to see who else has contributed. Invite your friends to join the conversation, too! Who knows you might even find a scone recipe soon!

Lookng forward to revving my engine and learning something from all of you!

Thanks for being a part of this endeavor!


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